Identity Refresh; Customer Files

Defined the purpose of Customer Files within Dropbox’s 2021 identity refresh. Contextualized Customer Files in relation to the other visual tools in the identity system. Establish where Customer Files live within the See / Buy / Use framework of the identity refresh. Copywrote comprehensive instructions on how to create assets with Customer Files. See some of my work documented here

Studio Dropbox Brand Studio

CreditsDesign & Copywriting
Alison Yousefi

Design & Copywriting
April Rosenstock

Creative Direction
Elizabeth Gilmore

Identity Framework
Team at COLLINS led by Ben Crick, and Dropbox Brand Studio members Theresa Ma, Pedro del Corro, Gabrielle Matte, & Sydney Goldstein

Dropbox’s updated identity strategy has placed customer stories and content back into focus.

Dropbox users act as a lens through which we tell stories about our products’ capabilities and purposes. Real customer files are used to enrich our customers’ stories and tie their experiences back to Dropbox products.

Customer Files act as the grounding agent of these stories, and keep the narrative based in real product interactions.
Customer files include photos, CAD files, sketches, 3D renderings, Paper docs, and photos.
Dropbox’s updated identity strategy has placed customer stories and content back into focus.

Dropbox users act as a lens through which we tell stories about our products’ capabilities and purposes. Real customer files are used to enrich our customers’ stories and tie their experiences back to Dropbox products.
Stylistic Principles


Customer files provide the details for a customer story. Specific and unpolished, they should reflect the WIP nature of life

Stylistic Principles

Simple and Bold

Customer files exist in small sizes in the UI and in See scenarios. Simple and bold visuals will stand out better when scaled down

Content Principles


A customer file should have special information that is pertinent to the customer.

Content Principles


Customer files relate directly to the customer photography that they accompany. Files further develop a narrative that is started with photographs, and they shape a more holistic view of our customers’ lives and how they use our products.

Customer Files and Other Visual Elements


Customer photography can be paired with customer files to reinforce customers’ relationships with our products. 

This pairing is best for telling a compelling and detailed customer story about how they use our products.

Customer Files and Other Visual Elements


Adding an icon to a customer file can help emphasize the functionality being featured in the module. Icons should appear within a circle that uses the accent color of the module.

This pairing is best for conveying an activity, not necessarily a feature of the product.

Customer Files and Other Visual Elements

Product UI

If a communication includes a depiction of the product UI, you can show customer files within the interface to illustrate its functionality.

This pairing is best for telling a compelling and detailed customer story about how they use our products.